
OR call Dr Liz Johns - Osteopath
+61 435 896 176

Women’s Health Assessment

It is common to have some anxiety or apprehension, mixed with excitement about your first pelvic health appointment. Anxiety about the unknown but excitement about seeking help and starting your journey to recovery. Regardless of how you are feeling and what symptoms you are experiencing, I will always endeavor to provide a safe, comfortable, judgement-free space for you to freely express your health concerns and receive the best possible care to help you achieve your health goals.

When people enquire about a women’s health / pelvic health consultation there are often many questions.

Commonly asked questions include:

  • What can I expect from my appointment?

  • Is an internal exam required?

  • What will the treatment involve?

  • What kind of questions will I be asked?

  • What should I wear/bring with me?

All of these questions are totally normal, and I encourage you to ask as many questions as you feel you need to ask. These consultations are about your body and it’s important that you feel informed, comfortable and in control.

What can I expect from my Pelvic Health Appointment?

Your initial appointment will begin with a series of questions about why you have come in to see me, and any specific health goals that you wish to achieve. As your pelvic health osteopath, I will ask you a series of questions about your medical history, symptoms, toileting habits, sexual intimacy, diet and exercise routine.  This information helps me to begin to create a picture of what could be going on in your body.

The next step will be a whole-body musculoskeletal examination. This may involve a postural assessment, a functional movement screen, along with an external musculoskeletal and breathing examination.

It is at this point that I will discuss with you whether an internal assessment of your pelvic floor will be of benefit.

If an internal assessment of your pelvic floor is recommended, I will thoroughly explain what to expect. If you choose to participate you will be required to sign a consent form. Please know that you can change your mind at any time, and I welcome any questions throughout your consultation.  

It is of utmost importance to me that you feel empowered with the information given so as to allow you a better understanding of your body, your anatomy and how things are all connected. This information along with identifying the reasons why you’re experiencing your symptoms are the important first steps towards recovery. Remember that I am here to answer all of your questions and provide education regarding what's normal and what’s dysfunctional as we progress throughout the appointment.

To begin the internal assessment, you will be asked to undress from the waist down and lie on the table in a comfortable position and then drape yourself with the towels provided.

I will insert one finger (or 2 - this is decided on a case to case basis) into either the vagina (or anal canal). I will examine for any tenderness, or tension with your pelvic floor muscle or pelvic fascia. I will ask you to contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles, cough and or bare down to assess how your pelvic floor functions with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure (IAP)

As your osteopath, an internal assessment provides me with essential information regarding your pelvic floor health, including; its tone, strength, endurance and coordination. This information helps to build a picture about your pelvic floor and whether it is weak, tight and/or functioning appropriately. During the assessment of your pelvic floor, if a muscle or fascia is found to be tight or dysfunctional, gentle inhibition or myofascial release techniques may be used to help restore normal function.

Is an Internal Examination Required?

No. Is it the best way to assess and treat your pelvic floor? Yes! Although it is the best and most efficient way to assess your pelvic floor, please know that it is totally your choice whether you are comfortable with this type of assessment and treatment.  It is important to know that we can still make some wonderful changes without doing an internal assessment.

What will the Treatment Involve?

Although I am one of very few osteopaths in Australia who have been trained in the area of the internal assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor, at my core I am an osteopath, which means that my treatment is always patient focused.

When I assess your pelvic floor, I don’t just assess its function (i.e. how strong it is and how many kegels are you able to do!), I also look at your body as a whole to see if there are any biomechanical strains that could be impacting on how well your pelvic floor and deep core functions. I also recognise that stress, trauma, alignment nutrition, breath, movement and neuro timing can all have an impact on your pelvic floor and how well it functions, so investigating these things is also vital.

Together we will create a personalised treatment plan, where any identified restrictions will be treated using a variety of techniques.

I will also advise you on a specific pelvic floor rehabilitation program. For some this may involve a strengthening program, while for others it may be more important to learn to relax the pelvic floor. Mindfulness, a specific movement practice, breathwork and/or recommendations for lifestyle changes may also be suggested to help you achieve your health goals.

What Should I Wear/Bring with Me?

You should wear comfortable clothes. If you have completed a bladder/bowel diary, have x-rays or blood tests or any other relevant information please bring these to your initial consultation.

For more information on women's health consultations, or to make an appointment, contact Liz at Pregnancy and Beyond Osteopathy.