
OR call Dr Liz Johns - Osteopath
+61 435 896 176

Osteopathy and Postnatal Care

For the lucky ones, the pain and discomfort experienced during pregnancy lessens dramatically directly after birth, but unfortunately this is not the case for all. One in ten women with pregnancy pelvic girdle pain are still suffering from chronic and severe pain up to 11 years after giving birth. As a result of this distressing statistic, not only am I passionate about helping to support women with pregnancy related PGP, I am also passionate about, and recognise the importance of, detecting and treating PGP early in our postpartum mamas.

We all know that labour is physically demanding and can place great strain on your body and pelvic floor, but did you know that your pelvic floor can stretch up 2.6 times its normal length?!

As your pelvic ligaments are in such a state of relaxation during the birth process, the position of the pelvis and sacrum is easily altered. This can not only create local and short-term discomfort in your lower back and pelvis, but it can also have long-term implications as the rest of your body compensates for the imbalance.

Did you know that the stress and strain of holding and nursing a young babe can also cause much stress and strain through your upper back, neck and wrists?

It is common for new mums to experience the following postpartum:

  • Lower back and pelvis pain

  • Pelvic girdle pain

  • Pubic symphysis pain

  • Coccyx pain

  • Mid back pain during/after breastfeeding

  • Neck pain and headaches

  • Wrist pain

Osteopathic treatment post birth can; help resolve any strains present, relieve pain and discomfort, and help prevent any long-term issues from arising at a later date.

Women’s Health Support during the Postnatal Period.

As an osteopath who has also been trained in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction, I can assist with:

  • Urinary leakage

  • Constipation

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Recovery from vaginal or caesarean birth

  • Diastasis Recti/Abdominal wall muscle separation

  • Return to exercise

  • Enjoyment of intercourse

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Pelvic floor muscle & core strengthening

  • Cesarean scar tissue restriction

Due to many years of study combined with extensive clinical experience, I am able to provide any woman who is concerned about their pelvic floor health, a personalised and holistic treatment plan that will help them move forward with confidence. I have specifically trained to be able to perform internal assessments and perform pelvic floor muscle therapy, while also looking at the person as a whole. A vaginal delivery may be the catalyst that has brought your symptoms to the surface but it is vital to know if there have been any other contributing factors that may have perpetuated your symptoms. It is of utmost importance to answer the ‘WHY?’ and develop an individualised treatment plan to help you reach your treatment goals. This may include physical osteopathic treatment, pelvic floor muscle therapy, education, breath and pelvic floor muscle exercises and/or lifestyle advice.