pregnancy and beyond



We provide a comfortable, judgement-free space for you to express your health concerns freely.

Together we will create a treatment plan to help you meet your health goals.


Meet our NEW Osteopath

dr becky hull osteopath


OR call Pregnancy & Beyond Osteopathy
+61 435 896 176

Meet Our Team

Pregnancy and Beyond OSteopathy is an osteopathic clinic with a focus in pregnancy, postnatal recovery, pelvic pain and paediatrics. 

Whether you are seeking the confidence to jump on the trampoline with your kids, the enjoyment of pain-free sex, the relief of pelvic pain associated with endometriosis, the relief from constipation, the easing of back pain during or after pregnancy, or are physically preparing for and/or recovering from labour and overall pelvic wellness, you’ve definitely found the right place. Our aim is to provide a safe, comfortable, judgement-free space for you to freely express your health concerns and to receive the best possible care and support to help you achieve your health goals.  

Our Fabulous osteopath Becky, who has just moved from Victoria is an amazing paediatric osteopath and she loves treating the littlest members of your family! Welcoming little ones into the world, whether it be via a vaginal or caesarean birth, can be stressful for both mum and bub. Helping support the developing connection between mum and babe as well as helping the newborn find balance in their body, is one of her true passions. 

Becky and Liz are both passionate about not only helping you feel good and comfortable during your pregnancy but also helping you prepare for birth and beyond.

You and your bubba are in caring hands. 

You’ll find Becky and Liz at  ‘It Takes a Village Midwifery’  in Kenmore  and at Pivot Osteopathy (Our sister clinic) in Kelvin Grove. 

We look forward to connecting with you soon

meet our team…

Osteopaths treat the following….


pelvic health



babies &


What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a holistic and gentle form of health care that utilises a variety of hands-on techniques to diagnose and treat physical restriction within muscles,  ligaments, tendons, joints and fascia. By supporting the body’s self-healing mechanism, I am able to gently release any strains present, relieving pain and discomfort and improving mobility. A body free of restriction naturally moves towards a state of health and overall balance.

Over many years, I have trained in a wide range of techniques, which enables me to accommodate the individual needs of all my patients. Treatment is typically gentle and most people find it deeply relaxing. These techniques include:

  • Cranial osteopathy

  • Visceral manipulation

  • Soft tissue and myofascial techniques

  • Gentle joint manipulation

  • Pelvic floor muscle therapy

  • Stretching

  • Articulation

I am proud to be one of the few osteopaths in Australia who have been trained by a pelvic floor physiotherapist in the internal assessment and rehabilitation of pelvic floor dysfunction.

For information on women’s health assessments click here…


Areas of Expertise…


womens health assessment

cranial osteopathy

visceral manipulation

yoga & meditation
